Cleanfeed Lite is free to get started, and that includes commercial use. You can upgrade at any time to Cleanfeed Pro from your studio. Get started today.

Versions of Cleanfeed
Lite Pro Cinema
Clean remote audio
Recording time Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Number of guests 2 32 16
Multitrack recording i An isolated audio track for each guest. -
Privacy controls i Extra controls over how and when guests join your studio. -
Markers and notes -
Studio tools i Play back audio files in the session with our Clips and Player functionality. -
Audio repair i Our "No Headphones" and "Full repair" modes to handle even the harshest environments . -
Local audio sources i Independently mix a number of hardware sources simultaneously. 1 4 4
Remote audio channels Mono Stereo Stereo
Volume controls -
High performance modes -
Buffer control i Buffers ensure that connections are fully smoothed out. This feature lets you choose between more buffering, or lower latencies. -
Auxiliary outputs i Route isolated tracks live into another application or external output. -
Support by email -
Customised branding - Enterprise only
Centre-stage video - - DCI 2K, 60fps
Gallery i Handle production staff and producers separately to your talent with the gallery join link. - -
Price in United States Dollars (USD)
Yearly - $389 $2500
Monthly Free $36 -
Monthly, with discount (eligibility) - $23 -
Yearly - $129 $2500
Monthly Free $12 -
Price including applicable taxes
Yearly - $389 $2,500
Monthly Free $36 -
Monthly, with discount (eligibility) - $23 -
Price excluding VAT
Yearly - £259 £2,000
Monthly Free £24 -
Monthly, with discount (eligibility) - £13 -
Price excluding VAT
Yearly - €313 €2000
Monthly Free €29 -
Monthly, with discount (eligibility) - €17 -

Prices shown are excluding VAT. Full definition and conditions are presented at the point of purchase.

For monthly agreements, the minimum term is 1 month and you can rejoin at any time.

Discount eligibility

There is only one version of Cleanfeed Pro, and the rate is set based on how you use it. The discounted rate is only available to:

  • individuals: for your personal use only, not expensed to a business and not more than US$$£10,000 per year of commercial activity.
  • an official Registered Charity or non-profit in your locality.
  • a recognised educational establishment, such as a school, college, university or students' union.

Confirm your eligiblity and input the appropriate information at the checkout.

Cleanfeed for Enterprise

For organizations organisations requiring 5 accounts or more over the year enterprise licensing is available. As well as a volume discount, we offer branding with your company logo and a range of payment options. Academic institutious benefit can additionaly benefit from pricing covering the academic year.

Contact us for information about Enterprise licensing.