Your information & privacy

We take your privacy seriously, and are happy to explain how we handle any personal data when you visit our website or use our service. Our general policy is to respect private data, and that unnecessary retention of personal data is a liability that we want to minimise. We do use the appropriate amount of information to provide a good service to you.

We don’t share personal or private data with third parties except where one may be working on our behalf (in which case our own policies will apply under contract), or if we were compelled to by law. Cleanfeed LLP is a UK company that follows GDPR standards on data privacy.

What types of data does Cleanfeed handle?

  • Audio
  • Personal identification information (names, email addresses, passwords) which you directly provide us with
  • Technical data such as analytics and data offered by your browser

Where does the data we use come from?

You directly provide us with most of the data we collect. We process data when you:

  • Visit our website
  • Sign up
  • Use the service, either hosting through your own account or as a guest
  • Make a payment or changes to a paid subscription
  • Make changes to your account
  • Contact us by email

How do we protect your audio data?

We don’t hear your audio, or store copies of your audio content on our servers. Cleanfeed is used in situations where the privacy of the audio is important, so we use end-to-end encryption to send and receive audio.

How do we use, store and protect your personal data?

The names and email addresses which you share allow us to maintain a unique account for you on the system, and are considered private. We will only share these details for specific reasons such as: with your correspondents as part of the functionality of the service; with third parties who are working on our behalf (in compliance with these terms); or if compelled to by law.

The information that you are a user of Cleanfeed is considered private. It doesn’t imply public endorsement of us or the service we offer.

The personal information is retained for the duration of your account with us, but you have a right to erasure, as outlined below.

We only use a reputable payment provider. If you provide a credit card number it is sent independently to the payment provider and not transmitted to, or retained by, us.

Your personal data is exchanged using industry standard TLS encryption and stored on servers which are maintained to best practices and kept up-to-date with the latest security patches.

How do we use, store and protect technical data?

We use analytics data in order to maintain and improve the service. For example, this includes which features are used, how much, by whom, and when. It may include technical data offered by your browser; this can include information such as IP addresses, version of the browser and operating system, and the make/model of audio interface. Analytics data is integral in offering support to you and keeping our service running well. It’s something we may retain long-term and if you exercise your right to erasure, analytics data may be retained in an anonymised form.


If you sign up for our newsletter, we’ll use your email address to send you newsletter updates and we make it easy to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

What are your data protection rights?

UK citizens have certain data protection rights, which includes the right to erasure of personal data. We are pleased to extend these to all our users and customers worldwide. See the UK Information Commissioner’s office for a list of data protection rights.

Does Cleanfeed use cookies? And what types of cookies do we use?

Cookies are a way for your browser to store small pieces of information on our behalf. Visiting our website to find out information about our products and services doesn’t make use of cookies.

When you use our service we may use cookies within the definition of essential purposes in the GDPR. This is to provide expected functionality, for example to retain technical data about audio device settings. In some cases, a cookie is used for short-term identification to prevent negative behavior behaviour such as more than one presence in the same recording session. We don’t use cookies to retain or track data like names, addresses or emails. If you wish, you can set your browser not to accept cookies, or remove existing ones.

Privacy policies of other websites

Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to services we offer, so if you click on a link to another website you should read their privacy policy.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep this privacy policy under regular review and maintain it on this page. The policy was last updated on 30th May 2023.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please use the appropriate email address to contact us.

How to contact the appropriate authority

Should you wish to report a complaint or if you feel that we has not addressed your concern in a satisfactory manner, you may contact the UK Information Commissioner’s Office.